Hard-boiled Dishes
   Meats, fish, and vegetables are boiled hard to produce a flavoured glaze of soy sauce and sugar, and taste salty and sweet at the same time.
   Korean people favoured hard-boiled dishes as side dishes for their appetizing tastes and good quality of preservation.
   Soy sauce, sugar or starch syrup, capsicum, leek, garlic, ginger, sesame, vinegar, salt and oil are substances for flavouring.
   What is important in preparing dishes is to apply flavourings in good order.
   Salty and sweet flavourings and oil should be put from the beginning of the cooking, and spicy ones at the end.
   Meats and vegetables are boiled first and applied with flavourings for delicious tastes.
   In the preparation of the fish dishes, soy sauce, sugar and water are heated beforehand and fish is put into it to complete cooking.
   Dry fishes are first soaked in water, fried with oil, and marinated and cooked by heating slowly.
   The food to be hard-boiled is first cooked over strong heat and further over low heat.
   Meat and fish are heated over a bed of sliced radish and bok choy to prevent from getting burnt.
   Ingredients are boiled in soy sauce added with starch syrup, until they are nut-brown and glossy.
   The hard-boiled foods are kept in airtight jars and served with additional seasonings to improve their flavour.