Water-boiled Meat and Fish
   Meat cookery has a long history in Korea, for its people hunted wild animals and later domesticated them for food.
   Old books from the feudal Joson dynasty record that various dishes were made with beef, pork, chicken, mutton and the flesh of other animals.
   Among them is the dish of meat or fish boiled in plain water and served with seasonings.
   The dish is called paeksuk in Korean, and their slices phyonyuk.
   They are favoured by the Korean people, as they preserve distinctive tastes of the meats and are tender, less oily and plain.
   What is important in preparing the dish is to boil the meat appropriately and make sure not too much nutritive substances come off.
   Meats of different kinds should not be boiled at the same time, and they should be neither overdone nor parboiled.
   Pig’s head or trotters in aspic should be moulded and seasoned beforehand, and cooled before cutting into slices.
   They are served with various sauces, including soy sauce with oil and garlic, vinegared soy sauce, and spiced soy sauce, separately for the dishes.
   The water-boiled meat or fish, except for pig’s head in aspic, should taste warm and not be kept too long.