Third Day of the Third Lunar Month & Hwajon
Koreans who regard 3 as a lucky number celebrate the third day of the third lunar month as a holiday.
They ate hwajon (glutinous rice cake fried with azalea and chrysanthemum flowers), hwamyon (mung bean jelly slices in honeyed water served with pine nuts), and sumyon (mung bean noodles coloured in red and served in honeyed water).
And they drank liquors named Sogukju, Tugyonju, Tohwaju and Samhaeju.
They ate hwajon (glutinous rice cake fried with azalea and chrysanthemum flowers), hwamyon (mung bean jelly slices in honeyed water served with pine nuts), and sumyon (mung bean noodles coloured in red and served in honeyed water).
And they drank liquors named Sogukju, Tugyonju, Tohwaju and Samhaeju.

Hwajon (Glutinous rice cake fried with flowers)
The Korean people had glutinous rice cake fried with flowers prepared as a festive dish for the third day of the third month by the lunar calendar, a major spring holiday.
Azalea flowers were mainly prepared on the day, because it was good-looking and also aromatic. Glutinous rice cake fried with azalea flowers also served as a dish for wedding and other ceremonies.